
Our Club strongly supports archery as a fun family activity, a target shooting challenge or an exciting hunting method.  We have an extremely active archery committee which hosts an in-door winter program and two 3-D shoots on our Kidd Creek property.  The Club has acquired over 50
 3-D targets  for outdoor shoots and a set of sturdy target blocks for the in-door program.  We also have an outdoor archery range set up  year round on our Mawson lake property for members to sight in their bows or practice on a few 3D targets.

For information, please contact one of the Archery Committee Co-chairs:

Dustin Oakley:        402-8132
Brian Lansing:         428-5764

For Mawson Lake
Walter Morse:         428-4355



These occur on a course at our Kidd Creek Range which provides for a variety of shooting situations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  1-Day Fun 3-D Archery Shoot                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Club welcomes spring by hosting two  3-D shoots in early April and May.

The high score in each category receives their entry fee back.